Transformative Anglican Experience

Transformative Anglican Experience

We ignite the passion for Anglican heritage by co-creating engaging programs and experiences for the younger generation.

We ignite the passion for Anglican heritage by co-creating engaging programs and experiences for the younger generation.

Community Driven Approach

We build strong connections within the community to establish a supportive network for passing on traditions.

We build strong connections within the community to establish a supportive network for passing on traditions.

The exposure our children receive to meaningful Anglican tradition through this initiative is unparalleled.

The exposure our children receive to meaningful Anglican tradition through this initiative is unparalleled.

St. Mary’s Church

St. Mary’s Church

The community collaboration has strengthened our Anglican identity and fostered a sense of belonging among the youth.

The community collaboration has strengthened our Anglican identity and fostered a sense of belonging among the youth.

Geneva Anglican Forum

Geneva Anglican Forum



Curious Minds

Curious Minds

Curious Minds

How does this initiative reach youth?

We organize events, workshops, and discussions that capture the interest of the younger generation.

How can I support the cause?

Join our community, volunteer in our programs, and support our efforts to transmit Anglican heritage.

© 2023 Armel AYEGNON